CVC in the Community: Emergency Responders Day


On November 10th, we were honored to join Youth Leadership Cheatham County for
“Emergency Responders Day.”

Youth Leadership Cheatham County (YLCC) is coordinated by the UT and TSU Cheatham. County Extension Office and is open to juniors and seniors in high school. The mission of YLCC is to educate students about state and local government functions, local and regional economic developments as well as issues facing our specific county. They also focus on our local cultural and historic resources. They strive to encourage participation in the local community and foster skills and strengths that are necessary to become responsible citizens and leaders. The main goal is to provide these outstanding students with the resources they need to return to Cheatham County as adults and hopefully serve as community leaders!

When they reached out to us, we were thrilled to be a part of the program. As a local business in Cheatham County, we want to contribute as much as we can to support other small businesses and do our part to strengthen the community. The star of the show was Charlie, a lab puppy out of our breeding program (yes, we do breed the occasional lab - it’s not all German Shepherds!). We showed the group how to start a puppy on basic obedience and also demonstrate how you would begin to transition into more advanced searching techniques that would be used in Search and Rescue or explosive/drug detection just by using simple commands. We finished off with some bitework and protection training demonstrations using Natasha, CVC trainer Meg’s very own Malinois. It was a fun and exciting way to show the crowd how a dog may be used to pursue a fleeing criminal as well as for the fun of seeing Dave get bit ;)

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